We have treated over 1 500 children for Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) successfully over the last six years from all over the world. Each child treated was followed up for 12 months tracking their progress using five different tests specific for Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Improvement was evident in 3 of 5 tests in 80% of these patients treated for Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Autism is a disorder of neural development characterised by impaired social interactions, communication, repetitive behaviour, mood alterations, and metabolic and digestive issues. Also, Autism spectrum disorder describes a range of conditions classified as neurodevelopmental disorders.
Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of conditions that cause difficulties with social skills, learning, communication and language. Children or affected adults also sometimes exhibit sensory hypersensitivity and signs of repetitive behaviour. Some individuals also experience constipation and/or chronic diarrhoea.
These symptoms can become apparent typically in the first two years of childhood and affect information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells connect and organise. Two commonly consistent findings associated in children with this disorder are diminished oxygenation in specific areas of the brain and a chronic immunologically mediated inflammatory condition in the gut.
The cause of Autism has been the subject of many investigations in recent years but has not yet been established by the scientific community.
However, more and more international studies show a correlation between ASD and impaired neurological function, defective immune system and unbalanced intestinal flora. Conventional methods of treatment for Autism fall under educational interventions and medical management. Stem cell therapy has shown to be effective in treating Autism which is based on the unique ability of stem cells to influence the immune system and metabolism and their ability to restore damaged cells and tissues. Treatment positively affects all body organs and systems, including the brain.
Since 2014, our Doctors have been researching and testing comprehensive stem cell therapies for Autism programs for patients with Autistic spectrum disorders, which surpass conventional therapies’ limitations.
Since 2014, we have been developing and optimising our Regenerative treatment protocols with the concept that only a comprehensive solution can truly allow our patients to benefit from cellular treatment. We believe stimulation through various therapies is necessary to enhance cell regenerative response. Therefore our protocols include daily therapies to support the effectiveness of cellular treatment. We have state-of-the-art equipment to deliver highly concentrated regenerative cell solution derived from the patient’s own body.
Our Doctors have been instrumental in developing and enhancing current available cellular therapies. We embrace research and have our research team enhance techniques for harvesting and processing cells to achieve the maximum efficacy for the treatment of Autism. We audit and evaluate our data, and our team of specialists use this data to continuously improve overall processes and procedures to deliver the best possible patient outcomes.
We have treated over 1 500 children for Autism Spectrum Disorders and have had no complications to date.
1 Professor in Orthopaedics & Paediatric surgery
4 Professors in Orthopaedic & Trauma surgery
1 Doctor in Emergency Medicine
1 Doctor Anaesthetist with a Speciality in Pain Management & Stem Cell Therapy
4 Doctors who are specialised in Anaesthesiology
1 Doctor who is an Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon with a Masters in Pain Management & Diploma in Herbal Medicine
2 Doctors who are Specialist Consultants with PhDs in Neurosurgery for Adults & Children
1 Doctor who is a Specialist Consultant with a PhD in General Surgery & Laparoscopy
1 Doctor who is a Specialist Consultant with a PhD in Internal Medicine & Gastroenterology
1 Doctor who is an Orthopaedic Surgeon
1 General Practitioner Doctor
1 Doctor with PhD in Autism & Neuropediatrics
1 PhD Doctor in Plastic Surgery for Adults & Children
2 Doctors with PhDs in Plastic Surgery
1 Professor of Neuroanatomy
1 Doctor who is a Urologist for Adults & Children
3 Doctors with PhDs in Gynaecology & Obstetrics
1 PhD Doctor in Cardiology
1 PhD Doctor Cardiologists specialising in Cardio Rehabilitation
1 Doctor who is a Specialist Consultant with a PhD in Immunology
1 Doctor Physiatrist
1 Bio-chemist with a Masters in Medical Bio-Technology Neuroscience
1 Health Services Manager with a degree in Bio-Medical Science
4 Nurses qualified in Intensive Care
4 Anesthetic Technicians
4 Theatre Nurses
1 Speech Therapist
1 Therapist for Bladder Neurofeedback Treatment
2 Physiotherapists specialised in Neuro Rehabilitation
2 Therapists
2 PhD Doctors who are specialists in Radiology focus on MRI scanning of the Locomotor System & the Central Nervous System